Birthday Jones'
Days away from my final first birthday hosting gig. The first birhtday party is an interesting one. The kid doesn't care- like, at all. This one is about celebrating survival of all interested parties- parents, siblings, pets, grandparents, etc. The first year is tough (the next couple of years present some hair pulling challenges as well) and making it through with sanity and grace is cause for celebration.

But like I said, the toddler-in-training doesn't care. And by all accounts doesn't have any "friends" so this one is all about the adults. And adults are judgy, fickle beings so...... bring on the Pinterest links and get ready to go knee deep in hot glue and fun shaped food.
I am a guilty Pinterester. I want it all to be perfect. After all, my little man may have no idea that the hours of cutting, taping, crafting, list making, baking and the like are being done all for him but darn it, there will be pictures!!!!! And surely when he looks back at them he will know I loved him so much that I made him Mickey shaped EVERYTHING to prove to all the people we know that somehow we all survived.

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