Maybe TMI but too funny

Last night before bringing Madison in to bed we made our scheduled stop in to the bathroom. I went first and then she went. While she was redressing she asked me if it was red when I wiped. I told her that it is not red now because Mommy doesn't get her period while pregnant. She shook her head in her I-know-this-already way and went about her business. When we walked out of the bathroom she very matter of factly informed me that "after Paige comes out you are going to get lots of blood, totally get your period and need those sticks (read: tampons) again" and LAUGHED at me like she truly knows the annoyance of this inevitable fact. 

I told her that she was right and that we would discuss this more another day. I am both proud of her wit and glad that I have exposed her to the realities of womanehood just enough for her four year old mind to understand. I also worry a bit that she is too smart for her own good and quite possibly we might be fostering a future "mean girl." Seriously, who laughs at someone getting their period- not cool!!!!


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