Too broke to invest

I am fast approaching 38 years old. It feels like a weird age or maybe I am just in a weird place. I don't have my circle, my village, my people. I have a husband, four children, my immediate and extended family and a few sporadic friends. But I don't have a circle and I feel like I am missing out but having not found that yet.

The problem is, I am too broke to invest.

I don't like where we live and as I mentioned in previous posts, I truly long for the day we are able to leave here. And because of that I have no desire to make friends here. And how do you even make friends? I feel like my "make friends" sensor has never worked right.

I work at home, which is a wonderful blessing and a social curse. I can't meet people here at my desk in my living room while I rock my lularoe leggings and have Paw Patrol on loop in the background. I am not part of a church or temple. I am a mutt. My religious beliefs are a mix of having a Jewish mother and a Catholic father. My husband is a Christian. My ex- husband is an athiest. My kids believe in Santa, light the Menorah, collect Easter eggs, read from the Haggadah on Passover and ask about Jesus on a regular basis. Its a mess in that department over here. I don't have hobbies or mommy groups. I am not an active PTA member. I don't drink or party so not meeting people at those types of establishments (not the type of circle I want anyway). UGH!!!!!!!!!

So, like, where do I invest myself in order to form friendships. With the hope of those friendships becoming meaningful "circle" type relationships? I am too old for this shit.


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