Focus and learn
It is so difficult with the busyness of daily life to find moments that allow focus. To do so, it really has to be a conscious decision.
Last night Tony and I ran out to have dinner alone. This doesn't happen nearly as often as it should. He told me when we were walking in to the restaurant that he purposely left his phone home. This is huge. He is in constant demand and never far from a few different methods of connection- to work, friends, etc.
We sat and talked about big things- life things, future things, money things. We talked about the kids too of course. I have known this man for the majority of my life. Just shy of twenty two years actually. In our conversation I learned new things. Heard new stories. Some I had heard in various forms over the years but some were unknown and it was so nice. So nice to fill in the pieces about this man. Nice to know that we still have things to learn about each other.
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