
I meant to post this last week but ya know, I am a busy lady. This year we decided to tell the girls (Madison) about Sept 11th. We did it in a very 5 year old friendly way. Meaning I googled "talking to kids about 9-11" and found a wonderful site that simplified it and just hit the main points in a non- scary way. Both Madison and Brynn seemed to respond properly to the idea of the whole thing and even asked to see pictures of the building.

I showed them a video on YouTube set to the Enya song "Only Time". I cried and Madison was upset about my tears but I knew it was an important lesson for them. Of course I dont want them to be scared and hope they never have to live in fear but it is a part of our lives now. And I also wanted to make sure they knew and appreciated the role that Pop (my Dad- a Port Authority Sgt.) played in the recovery efforts that went on for 10 months.

After they watched the video Madison had a few questions which we answered as best as we could. And then she drew the above picture for my dad. She drew it sunny because she didn't want Pop to be sad. On the back is a flag and she wrote "I love you Pop". He loved it. I am pretty sure I saw him tear up on iChat when we called to show him.

Brynn has asked a few times over the last week "why the bad men did that to the building" and has asked to see videos again. I have not shown them to her. Once a year is enough for a 2 and 5 year old. This morning Madison said "I am glad the glad the bad people died but the not bad people that died is sad". I could not have said it better myself.


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