Enough with the doctor

I honestly believe that the worst part of pregnancy is the constant visits to the doctor. This may seem odd considering all the other gloroius wonders that take place during pregnacy. Ya know, the nausea, headaches, discomfort and then the whole birthing out a person part. But still I think the doctor part takes the cake.

I LOATHE going to the doctor. The whole process is annoying- driving 25 minutes there, sitting for 45-60 minutes in the waiting room, getting weighed (love that part most of all), peeing in the cup, waiting another 20 minutes for the midwife, seeing the midwife for 5 minutes TOPS!!!, checking out, driving the 25 minutes home. Insane!!!! Literally took 2 hours out of my life to be seen for 5 minutes. Hearing the heartbeat during those five minutes is wonderful and a sound I will never take for granted but honestly I rather be at home doing dishes or folding laundry then participating in the two hour trip of nothing.


  1. When do they make you start going twice a month? I forget...


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